RE3 Blog

RE3 for ACL recovery

Cooling Therapy: A Game-Changer for ACL Reconstruction Recovery?

In the world of orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine, anterior cruciate ligament or ACL injury is a frequent occurrence for elite sports players and everyday fitness fanatics alike. Reconstructi...

How to prepare for a marathon

How to prepare for a marathon

Want to start training for a marathon and don’t know where to start? We spoke with elite athlete, Scott Cadby, about preparing for his first marathon

How to treat a soft tissue injury

How to treat a soft tissue injury

For decades, the RICE method has been the general rule of thumb for treating sprains, strains and soft tissue injuries. The acronym translates to Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. But this advi...

Sports Physiotherapist, Anne Marie Montgomery, stretching female tennis athlete Venus Williams post match.

Put it on ice, Playing through a pandemic

Sport Physiotherapist Anne Marie Montgomery spoke with RE3 about what to keep in mind when returning to play.